Welcome to punshui.com

Welcome to the new Punshui.com! This version provides access to professional interests and family history of Richard Q. Blackwell, and updates much of the genealogical info included in my former site.

Current resources include the following:

  • Examples of my professional work and interests.

  • Summary results of my genealogical research. I have updated much of the research, and have organized the materials to be more accessible.

  • My family blog with stories and information regarding interesting and illustrious folks from the past.

The navigation panels below or the menu above will take you to these resources. And please feel free to respond, especially regarding the family material. Over the years I have made substantial changes based on the feedback of others, and have made new friends as well!

Richard Blackwell

Email me!



This page provides access to material related to my professional interests, as well as examples of quantitative and project management work I have done. All of the work was interesting, but I selected these particular projects to showcase because they did something useful.



Please feel free to have a look at my personal site. Current contents include results of my personal genealogical research as well as access to slides and photographs that I and other family members have created since the 1950s. I have recently updated my genealogy based on new research. Enjoy!!


Family History Blog

Meet the characters! Genealogy is OK as far as it goes, but what’s really interesting is the people! I have lots of material collected over the years that describes a variety of vibrant, real people here in the US, and also in England and Scotland. It’s a blog because it’s going to take me a while…